Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14, 2012

Outside Temp: 37 F (it was almost 50 today!!  The snow is melting, but I've promised the kids that it will be back!)

What I cooked today:
Nothing!  Woo hoo!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful birthday wishes!  I love facebook!  I got to re-connect with so many friends and family!  I would say I wish I had a birthday every day, but then I'd get really, really old, so I'll just be grateful for my once a year thing!

Katie made this cute little guy in our front yard yesterday afternoon... The snow is melting fast and she wanted to make at least one snowman, while she could.  I keep trying to tell her that the snow will be back, but I don't think she believes me.  This morning, she asked if we could have a white Christmas, because "I've never had one before!".  How do you argue with that logic?
So, I was welcomed this morning by multiple 'Happy Birthday's" on my email and facebook, which I just love!  As the day went by, I looked forward to checking my e-mail or facebook page, to see if I had any more messages.  I love it!   At the school, our (totally fabulous) secretary told the entire school, over the PA system, to wish me a happy birthday!  Heheheh, I feel so loved today!
After school, Patrick and I headed into town with the kids to get our shopping done, and have a great family dinner out (which means that not only did I not have to cook, but I didn't have to clean either!  Score!).  I even picked up our monthly meat order from our wholesale guy, so I have a freezer full of protein. 
As my 37th birthday draws to a close, I am so grateful for my life, and all those in it.  With all the crap going on in the world, I am so utterly blessed to have my family and friends.  I firmly believe that every moment of your life, both good and bad, has brought you to who and where you are today.  And, since I am thrilled with my life right now, I have all those people who have existed in my life (at one point or another), and all the moments prior to this one (both good and bad) to thank.  So, Thank You! 

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