Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1, 2012

Outside Temp: 37 F (still nice... threats of rain, but nothing significant)

What I cooked today:
BBQ chicken (in the oven):  I need to start making chicken more often, since I have about 15 lbs of chicken in my freezer, and only about 4 lbs of ground beef...  I just take the chicken, sear it a little, then toss it into the oven coated in BBQ sauce.  Super easy and everyone seems to love it (even when I don't defrost the chicken enough, and it ends up cooking in it's own fluid, making it very dry)

Very interesting day today!

First off, the Honor Roll for the first quarter was published in the local newspaper today... I just had to include it here (by the way, I NEVER got a 4.0 in my life!):

So, on to our interesting news.

On my way home from picking up Ryan this afternoon, at about 11:20(ish), I noticed a cop car (probably sheriff) heading east with lights flashing, at about 80MPH through Raynesford (the speed limit is 45 through town).  I didn't think much of it, and went on my merry way.

At a little after 2pm, I headed back to school for my web design class.  I noticed a sheriff on the side of the road about 1/2 way to the school.  I slowed, to make sure there wasn't a problem, but then continued on my way.  About 2 miles later, another sheriff car was on the side of the road.  Hmm, this is getting interesting.  I looked around the road, didn't see anything interesting, and continued on my way.

Another 2 miles later (about a mile from the school), I noticed another sheriff on the other side of the road.  Okay, there is something weird going on, if only because I think there are only 3 deputies and 1 sheriff in Judith Basin County (that's probably wrong, but I think it's close). 

I got to the school, and headed up to class, completely forgetting the sheriffs.

Around 3pm, I got a call from the front office, saying the superintendent needed to talk to me.  Ugh, that's never good.

I headed down to the office, and found out what was going on.

There was a fugitive who was running from the cops through the county.  There was a high speed chase, which included the fugitive throwing pipe bombs at the cop cars, as he drove down the highway.  They caught him, in Belt, and he's currently under arrest.

However, the cops didn't know where all the 'pipe bombs' were, and they needed to go searching for them.  As a result, the highway was shut down... from Stanford to Belt (which is about 40 miles).  I was called into the office to let me know that the buses couldn't get my kids home, which wasn't a problem since I was there, and I could take them home myself.

Of course, then came the question of how I was going to get home. The highway was closed, until further notice.  Hmmm, what other options are there?

So, I found the back road home.  I headed north out of Geyser, west through the new Spion Kop wind farms, and then down into Raynesford. 

The really fun part about this drive is that I got to drive by a lot of houses that I didn't know existed.  I got to see where some of the Geyser residents lived, since I've never had the chance to just drive through the back roads of Geyser.  And, I got to drive right by the new windmills (which are totally huge).  It was actually a lot of fun.

Then came the last 2 miles.  If I understand correctly, this is a section of road that was not used very often, and was right next to private property, and somehow it got determined that the county was not going to maintain it anymore.  So, it's not graded.  It's not plowed.  It's not even mowed.  It's just 2 little track marks up and down through a field, down a hill, over a creek (yes, there was a little water in it) and back out on the normal gravel road. 

When I came to the entrance to this path (I can't honestly call it a road), there was a young kid (okay, he was probably 25) behind me.  I figured he was doing the same thing I was doing, so I pulled over and asked him.  He said he was following his GPS and thought he knew where he was going.  After telling me that he was going to continue on the road, I let him know that I was pretty sure the entrance to the road was right here, so if he found that he ended up in someones front yard (which I knew he was going to do), when he turned around, to head this direction.

Amazingly, my little yellow car did great.  It went right over all those rocks and mud and grass with no problem.  There was a little hesitation as we went over the creek, since the ground was muddy, and the tires really wanted to slide.  But, I just held my breath, pushed the gas, and prayed that I'd make it through. 

I have never been so happy to see gravel road in my life.  As we crested the last hill, and I could see the end to my adventure, I breathed a sigh of relief and headed back into civilization.  Then I stopped my car, to wait for the kid to make sure he made it through. 

Once I got home, I looked up online to find the details of the story.  They kept the road closed until about 7-8pm, once it was totally dark.  I'm sure they couldn't find anything in the dark anyway.  I'm not sure if they will start again when the sun comes up, which would cause nothing but trouble tomorrow.  I foresee a lot of people taking the day off, if the main highway is going to be closed. 

The most important part is that Allen has a basketball game in Hobson tomorrow... which would require driving on the highway.  I'm sure the ATF guys will understand and make an exception for the school bus of junior high basketball players, right? 

Oh, and since my house is on the highway, I figured I would just check the backyard for pipe bombs, just in case.  I'm pretty sure he couldn't throw over the creek anyway, but I'm happy to say that my backyard is pipe bomb free!

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