Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 28, 2012

Outside Temp: 52 F (yes, 52... it's almost hot outside!  )

What I cooked today:
Pancakes: I spoiled the kids with pancakes this morning.  I haven't made pancakes in a while, so I thought I'd break out the skillet.  Of course, as usual I didn't make enough, so I didn't get any.  But perhaps that is a good thing, since it keeps me from drowning my food in syrup.

Papa Murphy's Pizza: We debated while in town today, whether or not to get pizza.  By 6pm, we decided that I didn't want to deal with making something for dinner, so we ended up with pizza.  We now have tons of leftover pizza.. I guess it wasn't such a good idea.

Ahhh, a nice Sunday with no requirements.

I made sure the boys got their homework done early, then we headed into town.  We needed to get Halloween costumes for everyone, so we brought Katie and Ryan with us (Allen gave us his list, and Connor didn't really care).  Ryan had so much fun in the costume store, that we had a hard time getting him out. 

I was glad that we got our weekly shopping done, but it meant that we missed the benefit and auction for a member of our community.  There were plenty of things I was looking forward to 'bidding' on!  I heard that it was a great success, and the food was wonderful!  The Grandparents brought us back some leftovers (which will be awesome for lunch tomorrow), and a yummy cake for dessert! 

Somehow, the weekend is over.  I'm not quite sure where it went, but I think we got a few things accomplished.  I still have a dishwasher sitting in my front room, waiting to get installed.  I also have plywood in my garage, waiting to replace the skirt on my house.  I think this next week will have a little better weather, and perhaps I can get my husband to finish some of the 'house projects' before the next snow hits!

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