Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 26, 2012

Outside Temp: 28 F (high of 41... low of 15... It's supposed to be warmer this weekend...)

What I cooked today:
Chicken Soup with Orzo:  I added some Greek Seasoning, and some lemon juice to my boring chicken soup, and it was so yummy!  I'll have to try this one again.

I got to substitute teach for the JH Math/Civics and music teacher, which is always fun!

We discussed the powers of the Executive and Judicial branch, but the students had a worksheet, so I didn't have much time to just discuss.  They all got their work done, and I think they learned something.

The rest of the day, the students pretty much just had study hall.  Which means that with their new tablets, they had a large online game of Minecraft.  In our 7th period, we had 6 students playing Minecraft with each other, helping each other out and building new things.  I really think  we should just have a Minecraft class, with a little direction.  The kids loved it and I think they learned something about tactics and building.

Allen had a basketball game in Roy, which is too far for me to go (yes, I've gotten lazy).  He said they had a really rough game, but they pulled it off in the last quarter.  Apparently, it helped that the opposing team fouled out their best player.  We won, barely, but a win is a win.  They are currently 3-0, with another game tomorrow in Stanford. 

Also, Patrick got his new 'toy' today.  He pre-purchased a Microsoft Surface tablet, which arrived via FedEx this afternoon.  So far, he is quite impressed.  I'm just glad it runs Microsoft Word, which the Android tablet didn't do.  We are having a little trouble printing (which is one of the main reasons I wanted it), simply because my printer is too old.  I've been debating purchasing a new printer for the business anyway, so I guess this is just going to push me a little faster to make the purchase.  But the Surface is pretty cool.

Of course, Allen is a little disappointed that it doesn't run Minecraft, but I wouldn't be surprised if it shows up soon!

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