Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 30, 2012

Outside Temp: 59 F (warmer today, into the 60's)

What I cooked today:
Spanish Rice: Connor absolutely hates this, but it's a favorite of Katie and Patrick.  So, I told Connor he could make himself a sandwich or something, but I was making it.  He choked down 2 whole bites.  Oh well, he'll learn.

Parent/Teacher conferences today.

Apparently, the kids are all doing fine.  I had to chastise Allen for getting a B+ in math, but other than that, it was all A's, all around.  I try to be non-chalant about it, but I can't imagine I ever had grades like my kids do.  I'm not sure if they are just smarter than I was, or if they have better teachers, or maybe school is easier.  Either way, I love that they are doing so well.

The teachers had only nice things to say about all of the kids.  Even Ryan, with his 'Ryan-ness', the comments were more about how to make things better rather than negative things about him.  Of course, his classmates would prefer that his nostril fluids would remain in his nose, and not at the end of his finger, but I guess for 1st grade, that's not an unusual issue.

The only problem I saw was that Allen is tired a lot.  I'm hoping that at the end of basketball season (in about 10 days), he will finally rest and focus on his school work.

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