Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 20, 2012

Outside Temp: 36 F (it was in the 60's, but started cooling off once the sun went down.  I'm expecting freezing tonight.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Macs & Cheese: Katie stayed up with Grandma and Grandpa, so I made a dinner just for the guys.  Burgers seemed like a great option.  Of course, it would have been better if I had any cheese left over for the burgers, but I just suggested that they put the macs & cheese ON the burgers... They declined. 

So, tonight is kind of a momentous post.

This is my 366th post (which makes sense, because this was a leap year).  I started my blog exactly 1 year ago (10/21/11).

In this year, I have had over 9400 views of my blog, which sounds like a whole lot.  Of course, if you break it down by the number of posts, it comes out to about 25 views per day.  I am actually stunned, and perhaps a little humbled, that I still receive between 10-15 posts per day, on almost every post.  I still can't imagine that my life is interesting enough to justify a few moments out of your day, to read my little post on my life, but I am deeply grateful that you have kept me going.

There have been more than a few nights, where I didn't really want to post anything.  Either I couldn't come up with anything even mildly interesting to write, or I was so dog tired that I had to drag my body out of bed, to type a few lines.  But, I am a little proud of myself in that I can say I haven't missed a day!

This blog has been useful for me as well.  When we got a notice from Ryan's medical insurance, questioning a bill, I could look back at the 'date of service' on my blog, and explain exactly what happened that day (2-3 months ago).  I actually have a place where pictures are stored, so I can find them easily.  I proved I was right in a 'discussion' with my husband when he said that we kept the chicks in our bedroom for 3-4 weeks, and I said it was only a few days.  It was 3 to be exact, which I could find easily when I looked back at the blog posts.

In a small way, it's a problem, since when I try 'small talk' with friends whom I haven't seen in a while, they already know everything going on in my life, so I find I'm repeating things they already know.  But, when you take into account that I'm in Montana, and I have friends who are 1200 miles away, it's more common that I'm not going to be physically seeing a lot of my friends for a while.  The blog has let me keep in touch in a way that I wouldn't do otherwise. 

I also know that some people can just read my blurb on Facebook (which I post every day, with the link to that day's blog entry), and not click on the link, but still keep up to date with our lives. 

So, to all those people who have either come into my life, or stayed in my life, in a small way because of the blog, thank you for being part of my life!!  If nothing else, knowing that you are out there helps me to feed my family each day, if for no other reason than because I hate to write that I didn't cook anything today!!

Now, that being said, we had a basketball game today.  I was able to get about 6 seconds of video with Allen actually playing.  Amazingly, the video is better than the pictures I took, which seems typical. 

They won their game, which makes them 2-0 for the season so far.  Considering that there are only 8 games in the season, before the tournaments, they are doing pretty good!

After the game, we rushed back for church, and made it with at least 4 minutes to spare. 

Patrick went into town with Grandpa and picked up my new dishwasher.  We talked with our landlord and he agreed that having a dishwasher that only works every 3rd day is just not right.  Not to mention the possibility that there was some electrical problem (and the image of the house burning down), we have 6 people and we make dinner (almost) every night.  Doing dishes by hand each night has gotten old.  It was kind of fun in the beginning, like roughing it.  Now, it's just annoying.  So, we ordered the dishwasher last week, and picked it up today.  Now, I have to live through the wait time while it's sitting in my family room, waiting for my husband to hook it up.  I'm praying on tomorrow, but I'm expecting mid next week. 

Allen and I spent a lot of time talking about his upcoming presentation on Socrates.  His history teacher has them doing a power point presentation instead of the standard test.  That means that instead of being grades on grammar and spelling and punctuation (which he kind of sucks at), he gets graded on what he actually knows.  Which seems like something that Socrates would have approved of! 

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