Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 13, 2012

Outside Temp: 52 F (it was in the 60s today, and quite windy... in town, the leaves were changing colors and it felt like fall...)

What I cooked today:
Scrambled Eggs: I made up eggs for breakfast, which I guess counts as cooking something.  We were gone most of the day, so I didn't make dinner...

I've decided that I love Saturdays. 

I got to sleep in, at least until 9am, which made me happy.  I think the kids woke up a little earlier, and I had to wake up enough to ask them to turn off their music, games noise, etc.  But, I stayed in bed, with my eyes closed, until at least 9am, which was so stinking awesome.

We had church today, with a very interesting homily about politics (in general) and how immature some of our politicians behave.  It begged the question of why we refer to our politicians as 'your honor' and give them respect as expected by their position, and then allow them to behave so inappropriately. 

After church, Patrick, Allen and I headed into town for some shopping.  I have to remember in the future that some places close down early on Saturday.  I missed the meat counter at Albertsons, and I missed the pharmacy at CVS.  But, we did make it to the library, where Allen found a few books on Socrates for his report due sometime next week (or maybe the week after, he's not really sure). 

We also hit a couple other stores, and spent way too much time (and money) in town.  But, I'm sure Katie will enjoy her new winter coat, and Allen really needed new basketball shoes, and that new shower head will make our shower much better...

I also picked up my Bountiful Baskets.  This week, I went for the 25 lbs of Green Apples, which I'm sure will be turned into at least 1 apple pie sometime this week.  I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to go through 25 lbs of apples, but I figure that my oldest will end up eating half of them... he LOVES apples!  We also got a pineapple, which I thought was just awesome. 

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