Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012

Outside Temp: 25 F (it's beginning to look a lot like winter!  Snow and sleet this afternoon... not sure what to expect for tomorrow!)

What I cooked today:
Chili and Cornbread: I wanted something warm and cozy, and wouldn't take much time.  I figured at least one kid would complain, but they were all excited!  I guess chili will be my new standby when it's cold outside!

Today was the day that Allen and Connor both had presentations and projects due.

Allen did a power point presentation on Socrates.  He really liked researching this one, although at the end, he wanted to just be done.  Apparently, during the presentation, he wanted to explain the 'Socratic Method' to the class (of 3 students and 1 teacher).  So, he picked on one of his classmates. 

I would have liked to have seen the exchange, but Allen said that the student he picked on wasn't really paying attention, which made it all that much easier to 'lead' him in the right direction.  Apparently, the example was about the most important invention of our time.  The student originally picked a car, Then, Allen started leading him down the road of picking another important invention, the airplane.  Which then lead the student to the conclusion that the airplane was more useful for moving people across long distances than a car. 

I'm not sure exactly if the example worked the way he intended, but it did make his teacher laugh, which is always a good thing. 

After that, Connor had a presentation of his science project.  He has been studying water pressure for the last few weeks, to prepare for this presentation.  I'm not sure how well he did, but he said he did fine. 

Allen presented his science project this afternoon as well.  He did a poster on Mars, which wasn't too bad.  He had pictures and facts and launch dates for the rovers.  But I think my favorite part was the section on the Roman God, complete with a picture! 

After school, I brought Connor into town.  After his allergy tests last week, they set him up for a pulmonary test, to see if he has any problems with asthma.  He got to blow into the machine (which totally sucks, by the way), and his breathing is just fine.  So, now he gets to deal with the fact that his shortness of breath when he's running is simply a result of being out of shape.  Which means, now he needs to run more.  He was not happy.

While we were in town, I managed to get my shopping done.  It had started to snow, and I had lots of stuff to do, so we raced around town and got all my groceries and headed back home.

After a quick trip into Geyser to get Allen from basketball practice, I headed back to the school for the Booster Club meeting tonight.  After chatting with the girls for an hour, I headed back home (in the snow) to make dinner and get the family to bed.

Whew.  Busy day, but we got a lot accomplished! And I can't wait to get a picture of the beautiful new snow in the morning!

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