Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 19, 2012

Outside Temp: 52 F (it was beautiful today!  A little windy, but clear and a great temperature.)

What I cooked today:
Frozen Pizza: I just couldn't get up the ambition to make dinner tonight.  Fortunately, the Schwann's guy came by, so I just picked up a few frozen pizza's and voila, dinner...

I started the morning with the horses.  I got up, got Katie up, and we headed over to our neighbor's barn, to feed the horses.  They all came out to greet us, and we had to spend a few minutes with each, saying hello and giving pets.

Then we headed up to our neighbor's house, to let the dog out and feed her and the cat.  And, we were greeted with... our neighbor!  Her plans had changed, and we no longer needed to keep an eye on the animals.  I admit, I was a little bummed.  I was looking forward to getting to know the horses, but she promised me that she would call on us next time!

So, with the exception of Allen's basketball practice, our day was nice and relaxing.  I spent a few hours working on a project for work, but otherwise, I just vegged out.  I watched a movie (Office Space... totally classic!) and played around on the computer, did some laundry, read a little in my book and just did nothing of any importance.  I absolutely love days like this!

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