Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 27, 2012

Outside Temp: 31 F (it was warmer today, in the high 30's at least. )

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Tater Tots: I didn't have much time when we got home, so I went with burgers.  I told Allen I was being lazy.  He laughed and said, "If this is lazy, please be lazy more often!".

Busy day!

We started the day with a basketball game in Stanford.  Because the team played so hard in Roy yesterday, the coach decided to let some of the 'non-starters' start, and play more.  We have already played against Denton, and I guess the coach thought that we would do okay.

So, Allen got to start!  In fact, he got to play the entire first quarter!  I think it was a little hard for him to get used to playing constantly.  He is usually just put in for a few minutes, as relief for the starters.  This time, he played a lot! 

By the 4th quarter, he was starting to get into his grove.  Not only did he make a basket, but I caught it on the camera!  Woo hoo!  The team was winning by quite a lot at this point, but everyone in the stands knew that making baskets during a game was a pretty cool thing for Allen.  When he made his shot, the crowds yelled for him!  He was on cloud 9! 

After the game, we came back home for church.  Then, it was a few hours of relaxing before heading in to Geyser for the Haunted House! 

The Geyser Mercantile puts on a haunted house for Halloween.  They had a 'not as scary' time from 6-7, where the 'zombies' and 'ghouls' would not work too hard to scare anyone.   We went through with all the kids first.  Ryan was a little scared, but in a way, I think he really liked it.  He would scream, then hide behind either Patrick or me, and then push us forward.

At one point, we took him aside and asked if he was really scared, if he wanted to leave.  No way!  He wanted to keep going!

By the time we finished, we thought he'd be done.  Nope.  "Let's go again!" was all he could say!  We let him go back through again during the 'not so scary' part, and by then, he was pretty comfortable with it.  Then we all went back through when it got a little more scary.  The 'zombies' and 'ghouls' would moan and scream and make it more intense.  I wasn't sure how he would take it, but Ryan did just fine!  In fact, he went up to one of the 'ghouls' (who we knew by this point) and asked for 'fist bumps'.  It kind of hysterical.  I couldn't stop laughing!

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