Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 24, 2012

Outside Temp: 22 F (high of 33, low of 17... it's beginning to look a LOT like winter!)

What I cooked today:
Chinese Chicken with Fried Rice: I wanted to start using up some of the chicken in the freezer, so I pulled out the chicken this afternoon, which made dinner a lot easier, since I didn't have to defrost anything!  When you plan (just a little bit) ahead, dinner isn't that hard... who knew?

Winter may have begun.  I'm not entirely sure.  It might just be a tease, but it is getting a little chilly, the kids are starting to use their snow pants, gloves are being lost.  Yep, winter is starting. 

I was able to start my car this morning and drive it immediately, which was a nice change from yesterday.  There was a little bit of snow during the day, but nothing stuck so the roads were nice and dry.

Patrick and Grandpa were totally awesome and took our garbage to the dump today.  We had filled up the outside garbage cans, and we were starting to use the garage as a temporary garbage location.  Fortunately, it was cold enough that the garbage didn't start smelling (too bad). 

At the school today, we are in the middle of Red Ribbon Week.  We had a deputy with a drug sniffing dog come into the school to explain about drugs and law enforcement.  He had a student hide a bag of something (drugs?) somewhere in the gym, and then he tasked the dog to find it.  The dog had no problem at all finding the drug.

Afterwards, the elementary kids went back to class, and he addressed the junior high and high school students.  Main points... Don't use drugs..  Don't drink and drive... And somewhere in there was that the punishment for drinking underage was actually worse than the punishment for using drugs, which I totally didn't understand.  I also learned that in Montana, you have implied consent, which means that by simply getting your drivers licence, you have already consented to a breathalyzer test if you are pulled over.  And, if you refuse, you are admitting guilt.  Hmm, I didn't know that.

The bad part about the 'assembly' is that it occurred during my class.  Which means that my students didn't have any opportunity to work on their project (for the second day in a row).  They also have District Volleyball tournaments tomorrow and Friday, which means that they won't have any time then to work on their project.  I've emailed their instructors (it's an online class), and hopefully, they will be understanding.

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