Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18, 2012

Outside Temp: 45 F (It was 20 degrees this morning, and warmed up into the mid 60's... just beautiful!)

What I cooked today:
Pasta with Chicken, Sun dried tomatoes and artichoke hearts: I have always wanted to make this for dinner, but I had no idea what to do.  So, I just decided to try it.  I made the pasta, then sauteed the chicken, added the tomatoes and artichokes in some olive oil and then tossed the pasta in.  It would have been better if I had added some salt and seasoning.  I added some Italian seasoning after the fact and it made it taste much better.  Patrick said I could 'try again'... Isn't he generous!

The kids didn't have school today, which meant that I got to sleep in, somewhat.  Connor had his Allergy testing today, so Patrick and he went into town this morning.  Apparently, he's not as allergic as Allen is, but he could still benefit from the allergy shots.  He also is going to get tested for asthma, although I'm guessing that he doesn't have that problem.

Allen was feeling better, but decided to pass on basketball practice.  I'm sure he'll be better for tomorrow's practice, which he really needs for Saturday's game!

One of our neighbor's is heading out of town, and they asked us to watch their dog and cat while they are gone.  Then, we got the call asking us to also help out with the horses.  You can bet that I leaped at the chance! 

So, I went over this afternoon, to get better acquainted with the two horses that I'll be keeping an eye one.  One needs meds, which I get to give her... into her mouth.  She did great this afternoon!  Then, this evening, in the dark, she really didn't want to let me near her.  I had to run her around and around the corral, before I got her cornered and got her meds in.  I figure that by Saturday night, she and I will be good friends! 

I'm also realizing that Halloween is coming up, and I haven't thought about what I'm doing with the kids.  I'm sure they will all want some sort of costume, and since we can't just run out on the night of the 30th to pick something up, I'd better get my rear in gear and decide what we are doing.  Maybe on Saturday, I'll head into town and pick up something... I'm sure some fake blood will be involved. 

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