Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 3, 2012

Outside Temp: 32 F (SNOW!!  It snowed last night, and most of the day.  It stayed around 32, so it's melting once it hits the ground, but apparently, winter is on it's way!)

What I cooked today:
Potato Cheese Soup: Since it was so cold, I thought I'd try a new soup.  I really should have added the bacon.  It wasn't bad, but it was a little bland.  It tasted like mashed potatoes with cheese, which is awesome, but I tried to make it was a meal, with nothing else.  I should have cooked up some burgers.


This picture was taken this morning, before the sun was up, which is why it was blue.  I left my camera in my purse, which I left at school, so I tried to use the tablet computer, which doesn't have a flash.  Oh well, you can still see the snow on the ground!

I admit, it was a little chilly last night.  Patrick went through and added extra blankets to everyone last night.  It was 32 this morning when we woke up, and it was still snowing. 
Through the day, it continued to snow on and off.  Not a lot, but some. The snow didn't stick to the roads, but it covered the grass areas and added that pretty white to everything.  The school turned on the furnace, which made some of the rooms hot enough to need to open a window!
We have 3 space heaters (currently), so we had to split them up according to need... Connor's room is the coldest, since it is not insulated correctly (it's actually more of an enclosed porch), so he gets both a space heater AND an electric mattress pad.  Ryan and Allen don't have electric mattress pads, so they both get space heaters.  This caused complaints from Patrick, since he won't have one next to his computer tonight!  (Both our bed and Katie's have electric mattress pads).  I told him that if there was a space heater when I go into town, I might pick up an extra one!
We have decided that it's not worth changing the snow tires off the van (which are still there from last winter), since now it's snow season again!  We didn't drive the van much over the summer, so it wasn't really a problem.  I'm not sure how long the snow will last, but I expect that it will go back to autumn weather for the next month or two, with scattered storms.  But, I'm no expert on Montana weather (yet), so it might be here for the next 6 months!  

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