Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25, 2012

Outside Temp: 22 F (we had a high of 27 and a low of 19... the temp stayed about the same all day long.  Little bit of snow, but not much.)

What I cooked today:
Pot Roast: I found a recipe that had the pot roast in a tin foil 'bag', with the potatoes and carrots mixed with some tomato juice and red wine vinegar.  I'm sure the roast would have been much better, if my thermometer worked correctly.  I checked it about 3 hours in (the recipe called for 3 1/2 hours at 250), and it claimed it was only 120 degrees.  So, I left it in for another 30 minutes, and it still read 120.  Hmmm.  I left it in for another 15 minutes, then pulled it out.  I found a second thermometer, and it read 183.  Lovely.  I totally overcooked it, and it was soooo dry.  The potatoes and carrots helped, but it would have been so much nicer, had it been cooked correctly.  Oh well, next time...

I was so spoiled today!

Ryan wasn't feeling well this morning, so we had him stay home from school. (he was probably a little dehydrated, so we pushed fluids on him all day, and he was back to normal by noon.  I LOVE false alarms!).  Which also meant that I didn't have to go to the school at 11 to pick him up.

Then, the school had district volleyball tournaments, and the entire school (junior high and high school) went to Denton.  Those who are NOT in high school girls volleyball are in the pep band.  The volleyball girls are also in pep band, but since they had to play the game, they couldn't play their instruments.

Which meant that I didn't have any students for my web design class.  So, I didn't have to go to school in the afternoon.  I had Katie take the bus home, and I just stayed home, working on projects, in my pajamas, until 6pm, when it was time to pick up the boys from the game.

Woo hoo!  Only one trip in the car today!  So spoiled!

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