Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 71 F (we had a high of 100 degrees today.  Amazingly, although it was hot and I complained, I guess I'm getting used to it.  At 4:00pm, as I tried to work, I was sticking to my clothes and it got to 88 in the house.  I'm looking forward to winter and that white stuff I'm not allowed to name.)

What I cooked today:
Eggs, eggs and more eggs: We were given a dozen eggs from our chickens from Grandma's house last night.  So, this morning, I made up fried eggs for everyone.  Katie and Connor both asked for 1 egg, then asked for a second about 10 minutes later.  After everyone was full of fried eggs, I made up 18 hard boiled eggs.  There are only about 6 left, since apparently, everyone in the house likes hard boiled eggs.  Which is good, considering how many chickens we have!

Chicken and rice: Patrick was working with his dad on the new greenhouse, so he didn't make it home for dinner until after 9.  Which means that I (very smart person that I am) didn't make dinner until he was actually through the door.  Chicken has gotten to be an easy stand-by dinner around here.

It was hot.

I tried to work. 

I got some work accomplished, but it was hard to think in the heat.

Then, around 6pm, the thunderstorm came in.  But, it didn't really cool down.  We still opened the windows.

I kicked the kids outside around 7:30, since it had cooled off enough, that it was (barely) cooler outside than inside.

Finally, around 10pm, it dropped below 80.  

I'm not looking forward to the next few days, where it should stay in the 90's.  I miss winter.

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