Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July 31, 2012

Outside Temp: 57 F (woo hoo, I know the temp!)
What I cooked today:
Nothing, but I have a good excuse!


I'm too tired right now to fully describe our day, so I'll summarize.

We were discharged.

There was some mis-communication (gasp!), and we were on our own to get home.  We (might) be reimbursed sometime in the future.

I decided to drive, rather than fly, since driving would be less than 1/2 the cost.

The hospital got us to Seattle Airport, where I rented a car.

Then I drove, and drove, and drove.  It takes about 10 solid hours of driving.  I left Seattle at 2pm local time (3pm Montana time).  I walked through my front door at 12:30 Seattle time, 1:30 Montana time, which means that either I drove really fast, or we didn't stop for bathroom breaks every 2 minutes.  Perhaps both.

It was a good drive, nothing eventful.  And I'm really looking forward to sleeping in my bed tonight!

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