Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 1, 2012

Outside Temp: 55 F (it was warm today, but not that hot... thank goodness!)
What I cooked today:
Nothing... Grandma got Papa Murphy's pizza while we were in town, so we had pizza... I promise I'll be cooking something, anything, tomorrow night.

Our first day home.  I slept in until after 11am, which was only 9 hours of sleep, so I guess that's okay.

I had to return my rental car into Great Falls, so Grandma drove with me back to town.  The rental car that we drove from Seattle was a black Chrysler 200 (something, I know nothing about cars).  It was a great car and I really enjoyed driving it.  Mostly, Ryan loved the color.  He's in a black stage, where his favorite color is black.  Needless to say, when we returned it back to Great Falls, it was no longer in the driveway.  Ryan was very, very unhappy with me.

"Where is my black car?" was his first question when he looked in the drive way.  Then, he proceeded to hit the front of my yellow car with his fist and exclaim, "I want my black car."

I see that we will have to end up with a black car soon.

While we were gone, Patrick and Grandpa had to get the new Greenhouse out of the semi-trailer.

That means that Patrick got to play with the forklift.

I wasn't there, so I didn't get any pictures, but Patrick said it was fun!  I caught this picture while they were driving the forklift back down to the local service shop down by the highway.

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