Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 2, 2012

Outside Temp: 57 F (it was cooler today, in the 80's with an awesome breeze!)
What I cooked today:
Mexican Lasagna: I realized that I over-bought corn tortillas, which means I needed an excuse to use them up.  This worked out well, although there was some complaints about the store-bought salsa I used.  Spoiled kids.

So, there was a beta test of the game we like to play, which means that at 1pm until 5pm, the family had to fight over who got which computer to play.  We came up with a schedule to decrease the fighting, which wasn't really fair, since the server crashed during Katie's time, and we used up some of Connor's time downloading the changes.  Only Allen got to play with no delays, but, since they all picked their times, they had to deal with the consequences.

The only sad part is that Patrick had to work... the entire day!  So, while the kids and I were playing the game, Patrick was 3 feet away, working hard.  I felt bad, but not bad enough to deny myself the pleasure of playing.  Does that make me a bad person?

Ryan was a little dehydrated yesterday, which was probably a result of going from 24 hour TPN while in-patient, and going back to his regular 10 hour TPN at home.  His body needed to remember how to regulate his fluids.  Today, he was much better, and spent a few hours playing outside in the back yard.

Of course, I sometimes forget that Ryan is as smart as he is.  He wanted to play with the sprinklers.  We have a pump, that gets water to the faucet in the middle of the yard.  There is a hose attached to the faucet with a sprinkler attached.  But, we had the pump unplugged, so we didn't get too much water. 

So, since Ryan wanted the sprinkler on, he knew that he needed to plug in the pump.  That was easy enough.  Then, he realized he didn't want the sprinkler head that we had attached.  So, he found the one he wanted, turned off the water, unscrewed the existing sprinkler head, attached the new one, then plugged the pump back in.  Voila, he now had the sprinkler the way he wanted, without any help.  I just sat back, kind of stunned, and watched. 

Of course, the thoughts going through my head was, oh crap.  He's smarter than I thought.  What else is he getting into?  The second thought was, how awesome, he's smarter than I thought.

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