Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 5, 2012

Outside Temp: 58 F (we had a high of 94, which is a little hotter than I would prefer... But it did get down into the 40's last night... I love the 50 degree difference between day and night!)

What I cooked today:
Chicken and Fried Rice: I started cooking my normal chicken, when Patrick commented, "Wow, honey, that smells really good... Are you making something with bacon?".  I had to inform him that he was smelling the neighbor's dinner.  Oh well, it turned out fine, with no complaints.  But, perhaps I should try something new, perhaps with bacon?

So, my two middle children were doing the dishes today.  And, perhaps prompted by a post I saw today on Facebook (Apocoloptomist: Someone who knows it's all going to shit, but will turn out fine in the end), they began discussing the options of a zombie Apocalypse.

Connor: "So, how likely, do you think, it would be that there could be a zombie Apocalypse?"

Kathryn: "Well, since zombie's don't exist, I would say none."

C: "But, that would depend on how you define 'zombie'."

K: "Well, a zombie would mean 'living dead', which is a contradiction, so therefore, can't exist."

C: "It depends.  Perhaps it just means 'animated dead', and we could come up with some way to animate dead bodies."

K: "Even if we could come up with that technology, it would be a long time from now.  Maybe even a million years."

C: "So it is possible!  Maybe, say, a 0.0000000001 chance?"

K:  "Yea, that sounds about right."

C: "Hmmm, so, how should we prepare?"

At this point, I was laughing so hard, I didn't hear the rest of the conversation, if there was any.  By the time I recovered, they were on a different topic.  I don't think they even knew I was listening, which made it that much funnier.  I love my kids conversations.

Then, over dinner, we had another conversation:

Connor: "So, we're eating Fried Rice, which is Chinese, right?"

Me: "Yes."

C: "Are there other areas that use rice in their meals?"

Patrick: "Of course, a lot of areas use rice."

Allen: "Like Japanese?"

Patrick: "Yes, or Thai, or ..."

Katie: "What's Thai?"

Patrick and Me: "Thailand."

Allen: "Why do they call it Thailand?"

Connor: "Because everyone wears a tie?"

Patrick: "Or, because every competition ends in a tie?"

Allen: "Or because everyone is named Thai?"

Connor: "That would be so cool, so if you wanted to get someone's attention, you could just say, 'Hey Thai!', and everyone would answer."

Yes, we are all a little strange.  But I like it that way! 

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