Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

Outside Temp: 69 F (it's finally cooling off... it was 95 today, and there is very little wind.  Teasing us with thunder and lightening, but no rain.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and homemade Macaroni and Cheese: I figured after Allen's day of football practice, he needed some carbs.  He ate 3 helpings of macs and cheese, so I guess I was right.

Ryan Day 10 in the hospital:

Ryan is actually doing really well.  He called me to let me know he got his NG tube removed from his nose.  He was so excited!  Of course, he got a bloody nose right after, but what do you expect.  He had a little bit to eat for each of his meals, and he is doing great.  I'm not going to mention the option of release, but it's a topic that's being passed around.  We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Allen had his first day of 'full contact' football practice.  He was a little embarrassed when he was tossed over one of the kids shoulders, on to his back. But, he learned.  When you tackle, go low.  Don't go high.  His coach said he is not bad, just in-experienced.  So, he has potential.  Of course, he complained about his body hurting, a little bruised up, but he still sounded like he had a good time and can't wait to learn more tomorrow.

Both Katie and Connor took Reading and AR tests today.  As I should have expected, Katie surpassed her AR goal with 2 quizzes... in the first week of school.  Uhhh, I guess we need to set her goal a little higher!  Connor tested in the 11th grade for reading.  Now, I don't place much stock in standardized tests, but I couldn't help but be a little proud of them both!

Allen is learning how to be organized.  It's actually quite convenient.  He has 3 high school classes this semester, so he is expected to perform at a high school level.  That means actually having homework and being expected to have it completed.  So, he's learning to be organized.  He has his planner, and he's trying to keep track of his classes.  It's a little new, and he's stumbling a little, but I think it will work out for the best.  By the end of this year, he will be so organized, that it won't be a shock when he goes in to High School for real. 

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