Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 7, 2012

Outside Temp: 59 F (it was in the 90's again today... Ugh, it's going to be in the 90's for the rest of the week.  We're experimenting with leaving the windows open at night, but, of course, we wake up too late to close them before it starts getting hot. )
What I cooked today:
Nothing: We ate in town, and Grandma cooked some Lima beans, so I didn't cook anything!

This morning, I got to help the Judith Basin County Fair with judging of the elementary projects.  There were a few moments, when I held my tongue, because I knew that we were judging a project in which my kids participated.  It was amazing to see the wonderful projects, and I was so honored to be chosen to help judge!

I also got a chance to catch up with some people from our school, from Stanford, and meet some new friends.  We even got spoiled with lunch afterwards, which allowed all us women to chat about random topics, which is always a high point in my day!

Afterwards, Grandpa, Patrick, Connor and I went into town, to run errands.  The most important errand, was picking up Connor's new glasses!

We had a great time in town, getting school supplies, random items for Grandpa's house, and groceries. 

Afterwards, Grandma gave me a dozen eggs that our chickens have been laying.   They are getting between 2-3 eggs a day, for now.  As the chickens get older, they'll produce more eggs.  Until then, we get scrambled eggs with cheese tomorrow morning!  Woo hoo! 

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