Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21, 2012

Outside Temp: 64 F (high of 93 today... supposed to be in the 80's tomorrow...)

What I cooked today:
Forget it, I should just accept that I'm never cooking again.

Ryan Day 4 in the hospital:

How is it possible that it's only 4 days into this admission?  It seems like we have been there for weeks!

So, last night, after we pulled his line, we put in a little IV.  And, we know Ryan well enough that we weren't surprised that his IV blew this afternoon.  We called our (totally awesome) doctor at home, and he came in to put in a new IV (he used to be a EMT, so he's actually the best person to put an IV in Ryan). 

We are scheduled to attempt a PICC line tomorrow afternoon.  The interventional radiologist came in today and ultrasounded (is that a verb?) his arm, to make sure that he could get it PICC line in.  He's pretty confident, so we'll see how things go tomorrow.

Also, of course, tomorrow is the first day of school!  Woo hoo!  So, tonight, after I got home from the hospital, saw me sitting on my floor, sorting through back to school supplies.  I've been gathering supplies for the last 4-5 weeks, checking the sales and my list, to make sure we had everything.  I missed getting 3 prong folders, instead of just pocket folders, and I still need to get post-it notes (they were NEVER on sale!), but, considering I have 4 kids, and the excitement of the last few days, I think I did pretty good.  So, there is now 5 packed backpacks, one for Katie, Connor and Allen (Ryan doesn't need his yet), and a gym bag for Allen and a gym bag for Katie and Connor (they are in the same class, so it's just easier to pack one bag, especially since I don't have 6 backpacks). 

The bus will be here at 7:20, which means I have to actually get everyone up and dress at the inhumane hour of 6:45-7:00.  Ugh.  Of course, I can go back to sleep, since I don't need to be there until the afternoon for our Web Design class.  Hehehe, does that make me a bad mom?

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