Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28, 2012

Outside Temp: 68 F (it was 98 degrees today, which, as you know, sucks.  It finally started cooling down, so I'm currently praying for a cooler day tomorrow... please, less than 90.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Corn: I got some corn on sale today, and I tend to buy things, and then forget to use them.  So, I made a point of using the corn, which was really good.  Even Ryan ate an entire piece!  Woo hoo!


Our hospital stay came to an end today, woo hoo!  The docs decided that he looked good, if anything changes, call us, otherwise, go home and live your life.  I love our doctors!

So, tomorrow, I'll be bringing him into school for his first day of 1st grade!  I think I might be more excited than he is, although he didn't fight me tonight.

"We have to go to bed.  Do you know why?"

"Because I get to go to school tomorrow."

Hehehe.  I love it. 

We took Allen into Stanford to get his hair cut after practice this evening.  He wanted it buzzed off, but we cut off a little less than that.  Grandma really doesn't like his hair buzzed off.  So, I asked our (totally awesome) barber to cut it short, but not too short.  It's a little buzzed on the back and sides, but still has a little bit on top.  I think it looks great, but Grandma has yet to see it.  The best news is that it won't drip sweat into his eyes during practice!

After the barber, we went to the Athletic Booster Club meeting at Geyser.  And, wouldn't you know it, they were picking people for the officer position.  And, apparently, no one really wants the job of president, since that person needs to assign workers for concession, and has to call people and be nice.  So, wouldn't you know it, I somehow volunteered.  Hmmm, I'm not sure what I just got myself into, but I hope it will be fun.  Kind of like the post office, it will give me a chance to get to meet new people!

The only problem is that it got us home around 8:30, and Allen actually has homework.  Which he is currently working on. I hope this 'doing homework at 10pm' thing doesn't become a habit.

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