Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18, 2012

Outside Temp: Not sure... but it was in the 80's, maybe even the 90's today... ugh.

What I cooked today:
Nothing... not by choice...

Well, today was a very interesting day.

I started the day at 7am, for my first day of "On the Job" training at the post office.  It's amazing how much I really learned over the last few days of in-class training.  And, it's amazing how being in the office cements that knowledge.  I had a great time with my postmaster and I don't think I mess up, which is always a good thing.

As I may have mentioned, the house that we are renting is up for sale.  So, last night, the Realtor called us and asked if she could show the house today.  That meant that we had to get the house somewhat picked up before they arrived.  Since I was working, that job fell to someone else.

Patrick was helping his dad build the greenhouse, and Allen was helping them  So, Grandma picked up the slack and, with the help of Katie and Connor, got the house as 'show ready' as we could get on short notice.  I love the fact that the house is so small, so that in a few hours, we had the place vacuumed, dusted, dishes washed, beds made, etc.  Grandma even took all my laundry (since our washer is waiting for a new pump, due in next week) up to her house.

So, when I got home from work, Grandma and the kids had the house clean.  But, Ryan was sleeping.  He wasn't feeling very well this morning, but we were hoping it was just that he didn't want to wake up early.

No such luck.

I ran my hand across his forehead, and immediately started packing my bag.  Grandma took Katie and Connor back to her place, and I took Ryan into the hospital.

We called our doctor on the drive in, and the pediatric floor had our room ready for us when we arrived.  His temp was 103.9, and he was not feeling well.  We got him started on some fluids and antibiotics, and took cultures and labs.  The interesting thing for me was that he wasn't attached to his IV when he started his fever, which is a little different than usual.  His labs don't look overly bad, so I'm interested to see what the blood cultures show.  It seems really typical that school starts on Wednesday, but Ryan doesn't usually follow anyone else's schedule but his own.

As of now, he's still feeling punky, and he's been sleeping most of the day.  But, he doesn't seem overly sick.  As for me, I'm exhausted.  It's been a busy couple of days, and even with the hospital bed (they put us in a double room, so I get a real bed, instead of a fold out couch), and the alarming pumps (they actually don't beep very often), I'm sure I'll be asleep with no problem tonight!

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