Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29, 2012

Outside Temp: 51 F (it was only 82 today... woo hoo!  Very smoky and a little windy)

What I cooked today:
Pork Roast: I picked up a 'picnic pork roast' at Smiths this week, not really sure what to do with it.  I tossed it into the crock pot with a little water (to keep it moist) and some onions and garlic.  The smell was great.  But the roast was really bland.  I think I used too much water and while the 'drippings' smelled great, it was almost like stock, where all the flavor is in the broth and none in the meat.  Oh well, it still got eaten, and now I know what not to do!

Ryan's first day of school was great!  I wasn't sure how he would hold up, since he has never gone to school for 3 straight hours.  And, since he was in the hospital yesterday, I was afraid that he would be tired and cranky. 

I think he had his moments of 'I'm tired' or 'I don't wanna do anything', but I only heard good reports from the teachers (would they really tell me if he was terrible?).  We got up at 7am, which is about 4 hours from his normal wake up time.  We gave him his antibiotic and flushed off his line and wrapped up his arm in an ACE bandage.  He seemed to leave his arm alone all day, which was great.  It was really my biggest concern, that he would pull at the dressing or something like that.  But, when I picked him up at 11am, he still had the bandage on, as though he'd not given it a second thought.

We are going to try the bus tomorrow.  I'm not sure what to expect, but if it works out badly, I can always drive him in.  But, I think with 3 siblings to keep him in line, he should be fine.  And it will save me from sitting around for 3 hours, waiting for him to get out of school.

We are considering pushing Connor up to 7th grade.  He's already taking 2 classes with the 7th graders (math and English), and it's kind of like switching between both worlds.  He's missing things in his 6th grade class when he's in his other classes.  I'm not sure why I'm hesitant.  Probably because I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing.  I know that he can handle the work.  He already knows all the kids.  Of course, it will mean that he's 16 when he's a Senior in high school, but that's 5 years away, so why am I worried about that?

I've given us until Sunday night to make a decision.  I've already talked to his teachers and the superintendent.  Now, we just have to make a decision.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'm more than open to them.

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