Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 2012

Outside Temp: 64 F (it was in the 90's, again.  But this time, I forgot to close my windows, so my house was in the high 80's... all stinking day!  At least it cools off at night!)

What I cooked today:
Oh yea, like I would cook when it's sooo hot out!   (to be honest, I did throw a pizza in the oven around 10pm, just to relieve my guilt complex for not feeding the kids)

I hate the heat.  No, really, I really, really hate the heat.  Just in case you didn't already hear me complaining from wherever you live (yes, I complain loud enough so you can hear me 1200 miles away).

This morning, I was up at 4am (which is insane), to take my mom to the airport.  We had such an awesome time, I was sad to see her go.  Her flight left Great Falls around 6am, so we were out of town around 4:20, and into the airport parking lot at a few minutes after 5am.  Since Great Falls is so small, she was checked in, bags checked and boarding pass in hand by about 5:08.  Just enough time to chat for a few more minutes, before she went through security and into parts of the airport I am not cool enough to go. 

So, now it was 5:26am, and I was in Great Falls.  Hmmm, I decided to get my weekly shopping done, which brought me over to the Smiths.  Only to find that they didn't open until 6am.  Lovely.  I sat in the parking lot, with my book, for the next 15 minutes, waiting for the store to open.  I can't remember a time I have ever done that.

But, it did mean that by 7:45am, I was back home, unloading my car, with all my chores for the day completed.  Which means, there was nothing stopping me from crawling back into bed and going back to sleep. 

Around 11:45, I realized that as cool and nice as the house had been at 8am, I forgot to close up the windows, and it was now in the mid 80's, and rising.  Ugh. 

The next few hours saw me whining, complaining, whimpering, begging, and pleading for some relief from the heat.  And it wasn't even that hot!  I was short tempered with the kids, and I was not a fun person to be around.  Not that I cared. 

Finally, around 8-9pm, it cooled off outside.  Of course, the house is still in the low 80's, even with every window open, and fans blowing the cool outside air into the house.  Oh, how I miss my central air conditioning. 

I feel a small measure of guilt, complaining about my 92 degree weather, when half of the country is in the triple digits and there are fires and stuff like that.  But, boy, do I hate the heat.

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