Friday, July 27, 2012

July 26, 2012

Outside Temp: Not sure
What I cooked today:

So, as I mentioned yesterday, Ryan was admitted to Benefis for a line infection yesterday.

His fever was in the 104s most of the morning, even with the additional 2 antibiotics and fluid boluses.  Our doctor was getting a little nervous, and we added an anti-fungal, just in case. 

We spent a lot of time discussing why and how we got another infection so quickly.  And, the decision we came to is that our line is shot.  It's time to replace it with a new line.

So, since we were still pretty sick, we could justify a 'Life Flight' out to Seattle.

Neither Ryan or I have ever been on a Life Flight.  The team was awesome and they took really good care of us.  Of course, since Ryan is sick, and the plane is a little small, and there were thunderstorms outside of Great Falls, he was throwing up (either from the turbulence or the illness) for the first part of the flight.  Ahh, the joys of motion sickness!  But the team handled it really well, and I was fortunate enough that the turbulence didn't really bother me.

It was a 2 hour flight out to Seattle, which was quite uneventful.  The seats could have been a little more comfortable, but I wasn't about to complain.  We got into Seattle airport, where the Ambulance was waiting for us.  Ah, such service.

We were admitted into the hospital and tests started getting run.  Fortunately, by this time, Ryan was feeling better, the fever was gone, and he was almost back to his normal self.  So, the initial rush to get his line pulled was gone.  The surgeons will probably pull it tomorrow, depending.  Since we got into the hospital so late, I didn't get a chance to talk to them tonight, so I hope to learn more tomorrow.

Of course, this means that we are in Seattle at least through the weekend, since the soonest they could put a new line in is Monday.  But, he's currently sitting up in bed, watching TV, so I can't complain.  The nurses here seem nice, although I miss my small hospital. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dang it! I'm so sorry Cheryl and Ryan! Been busy, and haven't kept up with the blog...I'm sorry!
    We do pray for Ryan every morning and will continue!
    Love and big hugs!
