Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 25, 2012

Outside Temp: Not sure... probably in the 50's.  It was nice today, in the 80's and not too hot!
What I cooked today:
Nothing...  We went to Chili's in town with the kids, and didn't get around to cooking our Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner. 

Every time I think my life is boring, something happens to make me regret saying that.

So, we decided that we would take today to go school shopping for the kids.  The all needed new gym shoes and Katie had absolutely no jeans that fit her.  (I'm not sure when she decided to grow...)

We asked the Grandparents to watch Ryan (since I figured that he wouldn't be able to stand the hours and hours of shopping that we had in store for us), and we headed into town with the older 3 kids in tow.  I should have known then, since Ryan wasn't acting like his normal self.  But, I wrote it off to him waking up bad, or something like that.

So, the five of us (Patrick came along as well), spent the entire day in Great Falls, shopping.  We got new shoes (and when I say 'we', I mean ALL of us got new shoes.  I got new shoes.  Patrick got new shoes.  Katie got new shoes. Connor got new shoes.  Allen got 2 sets of new shoes, one for gym and one for normal wear... spoiled boy).  Then, we headed over to do some other shopping (I got a great deal on cereal at Kmart, but that's not important), and we finished up the shopping with me getting new shirts and bras, Patrick getting new button down shirts, socks for everyone, oh, and of course, clothes for the kids for school.  Ugh, I hate, hate, hate spending money on myself, so it took a lot for me to get clothes for me.

Anyway, we headed home by 9pm, and went to pick up Ryan at the grandparents.  Grandma said he was acting a little strange, being tired and a little cranky, complaining about being cold, taking naps, but we were hoping for the best.

It was not to be.  About 30 minutes after we hooked up his TPN, he started shivering, throwing up, breathing hard and spiking a fever.  Ugh.

So, we jumped in the car and headed back to Great Falls. 

I'm currently writing from our hospital room.  They've already gotten his first dose of antibiotics in him, and he's sleeping.  His fever spiked at 104.4, which is kind of high.  But we did the cold cloths thing, and it came down a little (I could give credit to the Tylenol, but that would be too obvious). 

I'm a little nervous, since we just had an infection, and we have been doing so well between infections, a couple months at least.  There is a chance that it's a fungal infection, which would mean a trip to Seattle and a new line.  But, I'm praying that it resolves itself, the antibiotics do their job, and the bug goes away.  And not just because if we have to go to Seattle, it will really mess up our plans for the Montana State Fair.  (just kidding!)

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