Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 21, 2012

Outside Temp: 55 F (it was in the 90's again today.  Ugh.  But, I can't complain too much, since it cools off each night. )

What I cooked today:
Frozen Pizza: Since we are all so entranced in our game, pizza was a good choice, since it didn't require me to think, or us to stop playing for too long.  I think I'm going to require a sit down dinner... tomorrow...

I got up early this morning and headed into Belt for our Bountiful Baskets.  I understand that they need to do it early, since it's fresh fruits and veggies, and it gets warm and the longer the food sits in a hot truck, the worse it gets.  Still, getting up at 7am on a Saturday is just mean.

That being said, I got some great fruits and veggies.  I especially liked the raspberries, which I would never actually purchase for my family, but both Patrick and Katie went crazy over.  Perhaps, next time I see them in the store, I'll get those instead of Oreos.

Connor is staying up at the Grandparents house, because there are not enough computers, (with good enough graphics cards) in our house, for the kids to all play Guild Wars at the same time.  So he offered (ahhh, my sacrificial lamb) to stay at the Grandparents house last night, so he could use their computer and not have to fight.  Isn't he so sweet?  Instead, he gets his own computer and no one to fight with.  Smart kid.

So, Allen stayed up playing until dawn playing, which means that he slept in until after noon, which allowed Katie to play without fighting. 

In one way, I'm actually looking forward to the beta weekend being over, because then we can get back to our normal life.

We did stop for an hour and half to go to church.  See, we're not that addicted.  We can stop anytime...

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