Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13, 2012

Outside Temp: 68 F (it was a little cooler today, but you'd never notice it because it was so humid.  Ugh.)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Spinach: Patrick loves spinach.  I, personally, could live without it, but he loves it.  We were given a bag from a friend, from her garden, and I must say, it was delicious!  And it went well with our burgers, which is always a plus.  Even the kids ate it!

We met with Ryan's new Special Education teacher today.  She seems really nice and very knowledgeable.  She will have Ryan for about 2 hours every day, which will be a change for him.  He will be getting on the bus and being in a normal 1st grade class next year.  Then, the Sp.Ed. teacher will pull him into her classroom for English and Math, every day.  We'll see how long he can handle it, but our current plan is to pick him up around 11am, so he'll have 3 hours a day in class.

Now, for normal students, this may sound really easy.  But, for Ryan, he's never had more than 2 hours of constant schooling in his life.  He gets tired pretty easily, and he can't really focus for that long.  I get the impression that if we are coddling him or spoiling him, his new teacher will let us know.  I would love it if he could handle a full day of school, but we will have to wait and see.  I'm just grateful that the school is so understanding about his issues and they can work with him. 

Patrick came with us to the school, which allowed him to plug into the school's Internet and download a bunch of stuff that he wanted to download, but couldn't with our extremely slow Internet.  He hid himself up in the computer lab for about 4 hours, and was in heaven. 

I was able to get my fingerprints done in Stanford for the USPS job, so hopefully, I'll be able to start training soon.  Our postmistress is leaving to substitute in another office in 2 weeks, and we really wanted to get my training done before she leaves.  The fingerprinting was painless, as opposed to the last time, when I kept smudging the prints.  Perhaps by the next time I need fingerprinting, I'll do it with no smudges!

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