Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 20, 2012

Outside Temp: 67F (it was cooler today, only up to about 90.  And it was overcast and cooler this morning, which was wonderful!)
What I cooked today:
Nothing: Grandma made some spaghetti sauce for lunch, so we just munched for dinner... hot dogs and yogurt and quesadillas and popcorn. 

We had lunch with our priest today, which was really fun.  He came by to see the Grandparent's house and Grandma made a wonderful spaghetti lunch.  It was kind of neat to be able to sit and chat with Father, in a relaxed setting.  Not that church isn't relaxed, but this was much more casual.  He also got to chat with the kids, which is something that he normally doesn't get a chance to do. 

He also has 2 Labrador retrievers, which both Katie and Ryan fell in love with.  When he left, with his dogs, Ryan was heartbroken.

"My dogs are gone." he said, with a crestfallen expression. 

Then he recovered and watched "The Jetsons" on Netflix, so I guess he wasn't too upset.

Our family has been waiting for the release of Guild Wars 2, and there is a Beta test this weekend.  Which means that after our lunch was over, we were all scrambling to get to a computer to play our game.

Fortunately, it's up all weekend, so I have no problem going to sleep at a reasonable hour (like midnight) and being able to play tomorrow.  Now, I have to decide if I want to put my kids to bed, or let them stay up.  Maybe, I'll let Patrick decide...

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