Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27, 2012

Outside Temp: Unknown... I haven't stepped outside today.
What I cooked today:
Nothing... again, no kitchen.

Day 2 in Seattle Children's Hospital.

So, we were supposed to have our central line removed today, but, since Ryan is doing so well, he was bumped off the schedule until tomorrow.  One of the catch 22's of medical care. 

We were an 'Ad-On' for the surgery schedule all day, but things happen and they weren't able to get us in.  The side effect of that is that he was not able to eat or drink all day, which is kind of annoying.  Around 7pm, we were able to find out that he had been re-scheduled for tomorrow, so he finally got something to eat.  But, by then, he was just tired and cranky and went to sleep.

The hospital here is nice, very large and kind of reminds me of Horton Plaza in San Diego.  The hospital is separated into areas (which are named after children's toys), and there are 5 floors, but the areas are not in any obvious order and you kind of walk from one into the next and into the next.  I'm sure that if I am here any extended period of time, it will make sense.  For now, it just means that I have to go up a floor, and walk about a mile to find the cafeteria.

I am fortunate, since they have a fold out bed in the room, and a really nice 'parent's area', with a laundry.  It's amazing how useful a laundry can be!  Especially in this case, since I didn't bring that many clothes with me.

Hopefully, tomorrow, we will get our line removed.  And then we are one step closer to getting our new line, and getting home.

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