Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 4, 2012

Outside Temp: 51 (it was beautiful today, in the high 70's/low 80's.  Fabulous!)
What I cooked today:
Brownies: I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, but apparently, I used up all my chocolate chips.  Oh well, brownies worked out great!  (and there were leftovers, which is almost better!)

Fruit Salad: I didn't realize how much fruit is in 1 lb of grapes, 3 apples, 2 bananas, 1 pint of blueberries and 1 mini watermelon.  A lot.  My container only held some, so I put the apples and bananas in their own container, with some lemon juice to keep them from going brown.  It didn't really work, but that was okay, since the other fruit was in the big container, and it wasn't contaminated by the brown apples and bananas. 

Hot dogs: We had hot dogs at the park, and then more hot dogs when we got home.  We're pretty hot dogged out.

Happy 4th of July!

We had a wonderful day!

We went to Logging Creek, to have a 'picnic' with the family (like extended aunts and uncles and cousins). 

It's currently haying season up here, so a lot of the family was busy.  One thing I have learned up here is that when it's haying time, you hay.  You only have a selected period of time to get the hay cut and processed, so you don't stop for silly things like national holidays.  This evening, when we were heading home from the Grandparents house, one of our neighbors was out on his swather, cutting hay, at 12:30am.

So, some of the family was busy, but we still ended up with about 20 of us, which was great.  It was at a campsite, next to a creek, so the kids played in the creek and had a blast!  We had wonderful food and, with the exception of the flies, it was perfect.

Once we got home, we all crashed for a little bit, just relaxing.  Then, after munching down on some more hot dogs, we headed over to the Raynesford Community Center, where we socialized until the sun went down.  Then it was time for FIREWORKS!  Woo hoo!
We had purchased some, and everyone else brought some, which means there were tons of fireworks.  The kids were able to help out, lighting fuses and such.  And, yes, there was a parent there, supervising. 

After about 45 minutes of continuous fireworks, we finally ran through the pile.  So, we all headed up to the grandparents house for more of the smaller, personal sized, fireworks.  Which means that we didn't get home until after midnight.

What an amazing day!

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