Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 10, 2012

Outside Temp 57 F (but it is about 2am, so that's not too bad.  It was in the 90's most of the day)

What I cooked today:
Scrambled Eggs: It was still cool, so I made breakfast.  Of course, Patrick and I were both too busy to actually eat breakfast, so it went to the kids.  Oh well!

We worked most of the day, so around 4-5pm, when the heat of the day was at it's hottest, we finally gave in and went out into our own personal pool in the backyard.  I got some really great pictures, but Blogger doesn't want to let me upload them.  I'll attempt to upload them tomorrow.

This evening, Grandma was kind enough to make us dinner, which was awesome, and not the least because I didn't have to cook it. 
Grandpa also got Roosting boxes in the chicken coop, so we might have eggs soon.  As far as we can tell, we have 1 rooster.  Out of our 24 chickens, we only ended up with 1 rooster.  It's possible that there is another one, but so far, only one is obvious.  However, I guess 1 is all you really need, right?


  1. Of the nine chicks we bought, we ended up with one rooster. First time in all the years we have purchased chicks from our local feed store. We are thinking only because it was one that was marked to be given to someone else who had asked for 3 roosters. We know this because the kid selecting chicks for us told us, when I asked why some chicks had black dots on them, tthey were marked to determine which ones were roosters. Apparently this kid didn't pay attention and put one of the marked ones into our box of chicks to take home. When it became obivous we had a rooster I looked back at our pictures of our chicks when we first brought them home and sure enough one of the chicks (a white Delaware) we purchased had a black spot

  2. Hahaha, typical. Our store said that the Partridge Rocks should be all female, the Astralorps should be both, and the Aracanas should be all females. Our only rooster is an Aracana. I think they do it on purpose, just because they can! :)
