Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28, 2012

Outside Temp: In Seattle, it was in the 70-80's.  At home, it was in the 90's... perhaps there's a reason we're in Seattle... Hmmm.
What I cooked today:
Nothing... Since there's no kitchen here.

Day 3 in Seattle

Today was a better day.  We got our line out (yea!) and had no problems with the surgery or the anesthesia. 

Our IV (that we placed on Thursday) is still in place and is still working (which is amazing in it's own right).  Ryan still hates having the line accessed, but since we are running fluids really slow continuously, he doesn't seem to mind too much.

I was able to get a shower, a walk, a nice pizza dinner in town and my laundry done.  Perhaps you have to do the multiple days in the hospital with an 8 year old, to appreciate how awesome each of those items are on their own.  But together?  On the same day?  Just plain awesome.

Tomorrow, we will hopefully just have a nice, relaxing day.  We are having a small problem with low blood numbers, and his electrolytes might have a problem, but I figure they can handle stuff like that.

At home, we got some great news.

Our First Egg!!

Katie went to the chicken coop today, and looked around and found this beauty!  It's a great size and it means that we will soon be having fresh eggs!  Woo hoo!

I'm just sad that I missed it.

1 comment:

  1. YEA for the line and yea for the egg! Katie is getting so tall and cuter all the time!
    Love you guys!
