Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, 2012

Outside Temp: 67 F (It got into the 90's today!  Ugh, but no complaints considering how hot it is in other areas of the country!)

What I cooked today:
Orange Chicken (with fried rice):  There is a big difference between using your normal pots and pans, and using other people's pots and pans.  We cooked up at the Grandparents house, and Grandma has some really nice cookware.  She also had a really nice cooktop.  Both of which, I have no idea how to use.  So, my chicken didn't get seared, like it normally does, it just cooked, which in turn, made the chicken a little tough and it didn't take the sauce the way it normally does.  Oh well, the chicken tasted fine, and everyone ate it up, so I guess it wasn't too bad.  On the other side, she has this really awesome cook pot/wok, that was huge and I could make my fried rice and no rice spilled over the sides.  I totally want one of those!

We went over to the Stanford Pool today.  Of course, the morning consisted of me scrounging around for Katie's bathing suit, which has gone missing.  Perhaps it didn't make the move with us, since this is the first time this summer that she has needed it.  After about an hour, and about 20 boxes of random items (I did find Patrick's bathing suit, some old pictures I thought I lost, and my nightgowns, which would be useful now that it's warm at night and sweats just aren't necessary), I decided that I would run into town and pick her up a new one. 

I know, a run into Great Falls isn't something I usually do on a whim, but she really needed a real bathing suit, so we just pushed back our 'start time', and she and I jumped in the car and raced into town.

Katie, being her mother's daughter, picked up the plain blue and purple suit, and said, "I'll take this one."  I did require that she try it on first, and when it fit, she was done.  We were out of there in less than 10 minutes (we did have to run over and pick up goggles... oh, and these sheets are on sale and aren't they cute?... And we totally needed a bag of Skittles.).

We were back home by 1:00, and the boys were all ready to go.  We ran up to pick up my mother, and I was finally able to show her Geyser and Stanford.  We drove around the school and the town of Geyser and then headed the 15 miles into Stanford.  We were going to stop and the Library, but it was closed (which worked out, since we were behind schedule anyway).

The pool is awesome!  It's very large, with a diving board and a couple slides.  They have a young kids section, where Ryan can touch the ground.  Then the middle section, which is about 4-5 feet.  Then the deep section (about 9-10 feet) with a diving board.  Fortunately, they also had those foam noodles, so my kids who are not strong swimmers, could still feel comfortable playing.  Ryan and I spent most of the time playing around in the first two sections, since I didn't feel comfortable taking him into the deep section (I wonder why?).

We played around for a little less than 2 hours.  The kids had some friends that just happen to be there, so that was fun.  The only problem was that I didn't put enough sunscreen on, so I got a little burned.  Of course, the kids were all fine!

After the pool, we got cleaned up and headed into Church, with my mom.  After church, we went up to the Grandparents and had a great dinner. 

The only sad part is that today is my mom's last day in Montana... she's heading home tomorrow.  What an awesome trip for us!  I only hope that we can get her up here again soon!

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