Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 14, 2012

Outside Temp: 65 F (it was not as hot today, into the 80's, but it was very humid and muggy)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Pasta: Patrick and I are both working frantically on this project, so, I have absolutely no desire to actually make dinner.

me: "Beef or Chicken, tonight?"
him: "Chicken."
me: "What kind?"
him: "Chicken Kiev."
me: "Nope, takes too much time."
him: "Chicken Soup?"
me: "no soup.  It's too hot."
him: "I don't know.  Whatever you want."
me: "If you don't have a preference, we're having burgers, again."
him: "Sounds good."

So, we ended up with burgers, again.  I think I'll go wild tomorrow and make a meatloaf.

The problem with working hard is that by the end of the day, you have no idea what happened.  I'm sure that it's Saturday, because we forced ourselves to get cleaned up and head over to church this evening.  I did manage to take 30 minutes to walk over to the post office to chat. 

Other than that, I have no memory of today.  I worked, and worked, and worked.  Ugh, this work thing is overrated.

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