Monday, July 23, 2012

July 22, 2012

Outside Temp: 64 F (it was in the 90's again today... But we had a beautiful thunderstorm this evening, so that kind of made up for the heat.)
What I cooked today:
Burgers and Tater Tots: Patrick didn't get home until about 10pm, so I was glad that I held dinner.  I can just imagine how upset I would have been, if I had gone to any semblence of effort to make dinner, and then had him not come home.  But, as it was, I waited until he called to say he was on his way home.  It meant we had dinner late, but it also meant that we had dinner together, which was nice.
So, our beta event for Guild Wars 2 is finally over.  I'm actually kind of glad to have it done with, so we can get on with our lives.  Tomorrow, I can already tell that the kids will be cleaning, and Patrick and I will be working.

Connor spent the weekend with the Grandparents, which means I haven't seen him in about 3 days (except for an hour on Saturday for church).  I kind of miss having him around, and not just because he adds another dynamic to the fighting between Allen and Katie. 

We had a beautiful thunderstorm this evening.  It would have been better, if it had actually dropped any water.  But, the (double) rainbow almost made up for that.

Patrick went into Belt today, to chat with our priest.  And, as usual, that little 'Hi, how are you doing?' turned into a 4-5 hour conversation about everything ranging from politheism to politics.  He had a great time, and it was good for him to get out of the house for a little bit. 

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