Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

Outside Temp: 62 F (It had a high of 97 outside today, which was fine, since we weren't home most of the day.)
What I cooked today:
Nothing: we were in town most of the day, so we ate out. 

Totally busy day today! 

I started the day with my 'list'.  I was pretty sure we wouldn't make all the items, but I knew that if I didn't write it down, I would forget something.

We both worked for a few hours, then went into town for Ryan's lab draw.  While there, we found that he had a small pinprick hole in his line.  Which kind of sucks.

We called the hospital and checked in with the attending doctor.  She called to UCLA, to find out the exact specifications of his line, and tried to get us set up with a repair.  Of course, we've been trying to get this information for months, but it somehow fell through the cracks.  It usually takes a crisis to get things worked out. 

We found out the specifications, and hopefully, a repair kit is ordered and will be in soon.  We hoped that if they had one in stock, we could bring him in tomorrow morning to have it repaired, but no luck.  So, our doctor told us to keep an eye on it (the line) and him, to make sure he's not showing any symptoms of infection.  Odds are that he has had this hole in his line for at least a few days, if not, a few weeks.  And he's handling it just fine.  As long as we keep the line clean and keep the pressure to a minimum. 

So, our plan now, if he continues to behave and not spike a fever or anything silly, we'll go in on Monday or Tuesday for a line repair.

After all that drama, we went over to a clinic, so I could give my drug test 'donation'.  Oh yea, if you call it that, people will forget that they are peeing in a cup so that they can work for you. 'I'm so generous... I've giving you a donation'.  Extremely stupid term.

But, now it's done, and (assuming I pass), I will legally be able to work for the USPS.  Which means that our postmistress will have another person to call when she can't make it into work because of a snow storm (or something equally annoying).. 

After that, we made a few more stops (drug store, meat warehouse, bakery, another drug store, Chili's for lunch, Staples for school supplies), then went over to the theater to see Brave.  Really cute movie and I enjoyed it, although, apparently I didn't read enough to understand how the bear comes into it.  That kind of surprised me!  And yes, I cried at the end. 

We stopped for ice cream on the way home.  Which is always a good thing.  Ryan ate his entire cone of Wild and Reckless, which is awesome in it's own right. 

The house got up to 89 degrees inside today, so you can imagine how annoyingly stuffy and hot it was when we got home.  But, we just opened up the windows and let all that cool night air in, and within an hour, it was cool and comfortable.  Now, if I could only do something about the bugs...

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