Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11, 2012

Outside Temp: 65 F (It wasn't as hot today, only in the high 80's)
What I cooked today:
Burgers and Tater Tots: I actually turned on my oven and cooked something today!  The family was so excited that I actually cooked! 

I got the pictures from yesterday uploaded... This is the creek behind our house.  I'm sure there are thousands of reasons why this is a bad idea (I'm thinking about bugs and germs and grosser things that might be in this creek), but it was so hot and it was beautiful and the water was (mostly) clear (until our wandering around kicked up the bottom).

The water was probably in the 60's, which was perfect while it was in the 90's outside.  We started out slow, not sure if they really wanted to be in the creek.  After about 30 minutes, they were all waist deep.  And within the hour, they were swimming and playing!  So much fun!  Even Patrick and I got in and played with them.  Ryan was up at Grandma's, so he didn't go in (which was probably for the best, with infections and all).
The best part... that is the highway in the background!  And I'm standing in our backyard taking the picture.

So, that was yesterday.

Today, Patrick and I both worked for a few hours this morning.  Then, feeling a little guilty (and having the nagging list of things that needed to be done), the kids and I went into Stanford.  I tried to get my fingerprints for my relief position at the post office, but the sheriff wasn't there.  I went to the bank, but I needed Katie's SSN card to open her a savings account.  The kids loved the Library, returned books they've already read, and picked up new ones.

Then we made it over to the Stanford Pool, where I let them play for about an hour.  That guilt thing is popping back up, since I left Ryan at Grandma's house.  But, I'll make sure to bring him next time!

This evening, I got to go to Book Club, which was great!  I was a little nervous, since I didn't really like the book.  Should I say that I didn't like it?  Would people get offended, in the sense that I was criticizing something they liked?  In the end, I should have known better than to be worried.  The women in this book club are awesome and, once I got there, I was totally comfortable being honest about my opinion.  And, while some women really liked it, some others didn't.  And that's okay!  What a novel concept!

A beautiful sunset greeted me as I drove home through one of the prettiest canyons in Montana.  Life doesn't get much better. 

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