Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19, 2012

Outside Temp: 63F (it was 97 degrees at the house today!  Ugh.  )
What I cooked today:
Mexican Lasagna: Patrick asked for this one, so I was more than willing to oblige!  It's so easy and I already had some fresh salsa made up.  The kids were worried, since if I use pre-made salsa, it's usually too hot.  But, since I made the salsa from scratch, it was really, really mild and the kids loved it! 

I decided that, since we had stuff to do this weekend, I would use today to get my shopping done. 

With school starting in a few weeks, the 'Back to School' sales are in full swing.  I made my list based on what I think is the best price for certain items.  Hopefully, if I do this every week, for the next 3 weeks, I won't have to spend too much extra for anything.  I really hope that we get 'supply lists' for the school, but I have last year's lists, so I'm going off that.  I was most excited about the 8GB flash drive for $5.99.  Awesome.

The only problem with today, was that it was in the high 90's today.  I had about 9 stops today, so, I found that the car would be cool when I stopped at a store.  Then I would go into the store, make my purchases, and come back out to the car.  Of course, the car would be about 120 degrees, so I would open the windows and blast the AC for about 4 miles.  I would get to my next location just as the car was cooling down.  I would get out, go into the store, make my purchases, and come back out and the car would be 120 degrees, again.  Over and over and over.  By my 7th stop, I actually considered leaving the car running, with the AC going, as I ran into the store.  But no, common sense won out and I shut off the car, and just accepted the annoyance of re-cooling the car again.

I did reward myself with a Blizzard on the drive home, so it wasn't all annoying!

This evening, Patrick went to a meeting for our Volunteer Fire Department.  Out here, in the middle of nowhere, we don't have a formal fire department.  Ours is entirely staffed by volunteers, which is kind of awesome in it's own way. 
Of course, most of the guys knew who he was, but hadn't really ever seen him.  They knew me, of course, but hadn't really met him.  He doesn't get out as much as I do.  So, it was a great opportunity for him to get to know the guys around here.  I'm not sure how much he will actually be doing, but it seems only right for him to be a part of the team.  After all, since he works from home, he's here... all the time. 

So, we held dinner for him, until I decided not to wait any longer, and I went over to the fire hall to 'hurry him up'.  Of course, he's sitting there, hanging out with the guys, talking... for the last 3 hours.  Typical.   Next time, I'll remember that guys sometimes need to sit around and BS, just like women do! 

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