Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30, 2011

Outside Temp: mid 20's but it should be around 10 by the middle of the night, with more snow!

What I cooked today:
Still nothing.  But I should be home tomorrow, so I'm really looking forward to homemade food.  I'm totally tired of cafeteria food.  I even braved the snow to go out to Fuddruckers today!

We are still in the hospital, but that's not really a surprise at this point.   We've been watching the cultures all day ( I think the nurses are getting sick of me asking about them) and they are still negative. 

We have been talking with UCLA and our insurance and there is not an agreement at this point.  So, while we were going to come down to LA for a MRV (to look at his veins to make sure there are no clots), we can't do that until the financials are organized.  In the mean time, we are talking about going to Seattle Children's hospital, which also has an intestinal transplant center, and they already have a contract with Montana, so everyone gets paid. 

So, we have a few options at this point.  If the cultures grow and we need to get a new line, we will go to Seattle, and have them put in a new line.

If the cultures remain negative, we have to choose between going home and scheduling the trip to Seattle in the future, or just go to Seattle now, and have the MRV dealt with this weekend.  Part of me is leaning on going now, just to get it over with.  And the other part just wants to go home. 

If we do go to Seattle, Patrick said he will go with Ryan and I get to stay home.  The flight is only about 2 hours (which is a lot closer than LA), and Patrick should be able to go with Ryan on the plane (unless they need to use the backup plane, which doesn't have room for a passenger).  I'm trying to be positive and not nervous, although it's kind of challenging sometimes.  We should have a decision made by tomorrow.

The boys came into Great Falls today to watch the Nutcracker performed.  The school took the kids 5th-8th for the performance today.  Of course, I'm not at home to ask them, but it sounds like they had a good time.  And Connor said he wants to write an article for the school paper about it! 

The storm was about 10 hours late, but it showed up. 
Start of the storm

About 4 hours later

The back of my car... about an inch of snow

It took me trying to change lanes to realize I can't see with a side mirror covered in snow.

The storm blow sideways for about 4-5 hours. Around 5 pm, it tapered off and I decided to go out to dinner tonight.  A few things I learned today:

1.  Make sure the de-icer in the windshield wiper fluid is filled up.  It's really hard to de-ice your windows with just the wipers flipping back and forth, with no fluid.

2.  Knit gloves do not really help in the snow.  While trying to scrape the snow off my windows, I got snow on my gloves, which immediately turned my fingers numb, since the snow sticks to knit.  Invest in waterproof gloves, and leave them in the car for the sole purpose of scraping snow off the windows.

3.  Get a real ice scraper for the windows.  While a credit card (or in my case, a gift card to Sprouts) works fine, I'm afraid I'm going to break the card and if I ever have to use a credit card or a card I might actually use, it would stink.

4.  You know the fake snow that restaurants put on their windows to make it look like winter, it's based on exactly what snow does to real windows when there's a storm.  Who knew?

5.  I now know what is inside the storage box that is next to the door of almost every business in town... it's that stuff you put on the ground to keep people from slipping.  It looks like cat litter and while it works to keep you from slipping, it also puts a film on the bottom of your shoes, which then squeak as you walk down the hall.

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