Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9, 2011

Outside Temp: 37 F  (I know, positively summer... )

I took this yesterday, 11/8/11, on the way to school... It snowed flurries about an hour later.  :)

What I cooked today:
Burgers and Mashed Potatoes: I love this one because I can do it when I haven't prepared anything.  We're up to 10 potatoes, and the pot was STILL scraped clean.  I guess I'll go up to 12 next time... Fortunately, 10 lb bags of potatoes are on sale this week... I foresee at least 2 bags...

Cornbread (from a box): I should have known better, but I had a box of cornbread and wanted to make something to go with the burgers.  I used muffin liners, which actually worked out really well.  But the muffins were the kind that fall apart when you try to butter them... I need to find a way to make cornbread that doesn't crumble... any ideas?

We went into Great Falls today, for a quick shopping trip.  We were out of milk and a few other staples, but I wanted to wait until Friday for my big trip (since I could be sure that money was available by then). 

We stopped at Wal-Mart, because some really awesome reader had told me that they had flannel lined jeans.  They're only $22 for the men's section, and they are totally awesome!  I didn't get any today, but I will definitely get some next time I'm in town.  They also have them in the boys section, so I see getting at least one pair for each boy.  I didn't ask if they had them for me (knowing my luck, they don't), but worst case, I can use Men's jeans. 

The weather was warm today, such that I was just fine with my t-shirt and sweatshirt, without a jacket.  But I know the day will come when I need to have a real winter jacket.  My hoodie won't work much longer.  But for today, it was great. 

Ryan got to 'play' with the 1st and 2nd graders who were playing basketball after school.  He chased them around the court and they tolerated him.  It was actually kind of funny.  I don't think the boy he was 'guarding' understood a word he said, but he smiled and kept playing. 

Ryan also got to take a 'Star' test today, online.  It was kind of a joke, since they told him to 'press 1, 2 or 3 for the correct answer' and he kept trying to move the mouse to the right answer.  His 'score' put him right on the cutoff between 'Early Emergent Reader' and 'Late Emergent Reader'.  I have no idea what an 'Emergent Reader' is, but since he actually got to the end of the test, I was quite proud.  He struggled with the concept of a number associated with the answer, especially when the answer was a number itself.   I think we'll keep taking tests throughout the year, and hopefully, he will get a little better at test-taking.  :)

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