Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 24, 2011

Outside Temp: 33 F (a little chilly, but still clear and pretty... and dark... it's really dark around here at night)

What I cooked today:
More Pumpkin Bread: Patrick wanted extra bread to eat for the next few days.  Of course, I forgot to check the temperature of the oven 10 minutes in, and it was already up to 410.  So, I turned it down to 300, and it stayed at 400.  So,  I turned it down to 250, and opened the oven for a few minutes to cool it down.  Needless to say, the bread was a little burned on the bottom and the top, but still good... You just had to scrape off any burned parts.

Chili: I know, not exactly the traditional Thanksgiving feast, but it's warm and good and I only needed to feed 2 of us, so I wasn't about to cook something big and fancy.

Ryan has a little bit of a flu, and we didn't want him to infect anyone at the Thanksgiving party, so Patrick and I stayed home with him, while Grandma and Grandpa took the other 3 kids to Aunt Catherine's for dinner.  Ryan was a little warm, but not really hot, and we debated for about 3 hours taking him into the hospital.  In the end, he was getting better, not worse, and nothing really changed with taking him off his TPN (if the infection was in the line, turning off the IV would have stopped the bug from being pushed into his blood stream, and he would 'appear' to get better).  He spent most of the day resting and just sort of complaining about being tired and a little achy.  Right now, he's in his room, watching TV and his temp is pretty normal.  I'm just praying that when we hook him up to his TPN tonight, that he stays nice and cool.  Otherwise, we'll be heading into the hospital.  (the bag is packed, just in case).

After the kids left around 10:30 this morning, Patrick and I kind of looked at each other and went, 'hmmm, what do we do now?'.  He played a game on the computer and I spent about 2 hours looking at Black Friday deals.  By the way, there's a 60" Toshiba LCD Flat Screen TV at Wal-Mart for less than $1000!  Of course, I'd have no where to put a 60" TV, nor could I justify spending that kind of money on a TV, but I'm sure there are some people out there who would be able to spend that kind of money on entertainment without the guilt factor. 

A few quotes from friends on Facebook today:

Don't you think it's ironic that American's spend the most money on new things the day after they say their grateful for what they already have. 

I'm thankful that I rented the first Twilight movie several years ago, and was able to turn it off 10 minutes in.

(and my favorite)
THERE IS SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR! Even when we's usually about things by which we are blessed. (for example....laundry again! look at all the clothes we have.....snow again, I just got done shoveling the walk.....we have a walk) :) I pray that we will truly enjoy all of our blessing and share them willingly with others! HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL YOU......I AM SO BLESSED TO HAVE YOU IN MY LIFE!

So, today as with most days, I am thankful for many things!  I'm thankful for my family and friends, but that's the obvious answer.  There are a few other things that are not so obvious.

I am thankful for TPN, which is keeping my son alive, even though it means frequent line infections and lots of days in the hospital. 

I'm thankful for my medical bills, which only occur because someone treated my son in a hospital and I didn't have to write a check or hand over a credit card before getting medical attention. 

I'm thankful for my oven that drives me crazy, because I only know it sucks because I can use it to cook food to feed my family. 

I'm thankful for my old computer, which allows me to keep in touch with friends that I would be too busy (or too lazy) to keep in touch with if I had to actually write something down, and mail it. 

I'm thankful I can nag my husband to get the work done for the company that he consults for, even though it means that he stays up late at night working. 
I'm thankful every time I spend $80 to fill up my gas tank, because it means I have a car with no car payments.

I'm thankful when my kids disagree with me, because it means that they have a mind of their own, and are comfortable and secure enough in their relationship with me to be honest.

I'm thankful that someone is buying my house in California for tens of thousands less than I paid for it, because it means I won't have to pay HOA or insurance or taxes anymore.

But mostly, I'm thankful that Patrick's mom burned her pumpkin pies this morning and left them behind, because it means Patrick and I get to have pumpkin pie for dessert.  (I even 'borrowed' her whipped cream which she forgot in the fridge!)

Happy Thanksgiving! 

1 comment:

  1. Cute and inspiring. She must have the same bad oven. Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for you! Praying your son's body and line can become clear and you can stay at home.

    Gobble, Gobble!
