Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13, 2011

Outside Temp: 34 F (and no more snow today)

What I cooked today:
Barbeque Oven Baked Pork Ribs w/ Rice:  I got these boneless pork ribs on sale a few weeks ago and I immediatly tossed them into the freezer.  I've been wondering what I would end up doing with them, so I defrosted them today and poured bbq sauce over them and threw them in the oven for a half hour.  Presto!  Dinner, without really thinking about it!  :)

Pumpkin Bread:  I got a few more loaf pans yesterday, so I was able to make 3 loafs (instead of my usual bundt and loaf pans).  Now I have 2 loafs of bread wrapped up tight, so I can munch on them for the week, without having to make more! 

Today was a do-nothing day.. well, sort of.  Patrick had to help his dad with counter tops and garbage and fun stuff like that, so he was gone most of the day.  But the rest of us had the day off.

I made the kids help me pick up the house today, and Connor was so excited that we were able to vacuum the house and pick up in less than an hour.  "I'm so glad we have a small house!" he kept telling me. 

The kids really loved the day of playing computer games and watching TV shows all day, with no homework and no where we had to go.  I almost wanted to make them do something educational, just because it seemed wrong to have nothing to do.  But, since we have a game in Denton tomorrow, and school and probably a 1000 other things, I figured, a day off isn't so bad.

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