Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November 23, 2011

Outside Temp: 51 F (where did my winter go?)

What I cooked today:
BBQ Pork Ribs: I got some ribs on sale today, so I took the easy way out and just tossed some BBQ sauce on them, and threw them in the oven.  Katie really wanted Sweet and Sour Pork, so I guess I'll have to make that next week. 

Pumpkin Bread: I'm bringing my pumpkin bread to Aunt Catherine's for Thanksgiving, so I had to make up some.  I ended up with a bundt and a loaf.  And of course, the kids dug into the loaf, so it's already gone.  Patrick wants me to make another batch, which I may just end up doing, just because. 

I noticed today, my page view count (i.e. the number of pages that have been seen by someone) hit 1000.  I still can't believe that anyone would be interested in anything I have to say, but with my total posts hitting 34, I've been doing this for a month.  And on average, each page has been viewed about 30 times.  That's amazing!  Thank you all for reading!

Ryan was feeling a little punky today, so we're watching him like a hawk.  It would be fitting if he got sick on Thanksgiving... there was a time that we couldn't get through a single holiday without a visit to the hospital.  He doesn't have a fever, just tired, which is similar to how I felt a few days ago.  If we're lucky, he may just have a touch of a flu.  We are debating bringing him down to Aunt Catherine's, since I'd hate to get anyone sick.  We'll decide tomorrow morning, but I figure that if we make it through the night (being hooked up to his TPN) and don't have to bring him into the hospital, that would be a good sign.

The Highwood Mountains, on the drive back home from Great Falls
 I made my weekly trek into Great Falls for groceries today.  I didn't end up getting much, and I'm getting more used to the drive.  You know how it gets when you do a certain 30-40 minute drive often enough, that you begin to recognize turns and trees and when there's room to pass and when you have a blind hill.  Oh wait, you may not since I've never been in a position like that!  The main highway is a 2 lane road, where you have to actually cross into oncoming traffic to pass.  And there are A LOT of trucks that travel that road.  So, I'm learning where the passing lanes are, when it's safe to pass, and when, if possible, you should pass because it will be another 8 miles before it will be safe again. 

The road is also really windy.  I'm not sure if that's a 'right now' type of thing, or if it's always that windy, but I was struggling to keep the car on the road.  I think the new tires are helping, a lot, but it's still hard.  Especially when a truck going the opposite way passes you. 

On the drive back, there was a car that had been blown off the road, and hit something (probably a mail box or a ditch).  The driver was fine and was walking towards town.  I almost stopped and offered him a ride, but I had to get back home to drop off escrow papers.  I know, the concept of stopping for a stranded driver is pretty foreign to me, but it was also about 10 miles into Armington, and I'd hate to be the one walking that far. 

The ski slopes are scheduled to be opened on December 9th, but they had a warning to people who would hike up to the slopes and try to ski down.  Not exactly that they couldn't ski down, just that they should avoid the steep runs.  Apparently, that's a pretty common occurrence, especially over Thanksgiving break... the kids hiking up there to ski since they're out of school anyway.  They only have about 22 inches of snow right now.  And there's something about the snow has to pack down between storms to keep it from sliding.  Either way, I can't wait to see the kids on the slopes!

The kids wanted to watch 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' tonight.  If you've never seen it, it's a totally cute old movie.  Singing and dancing, which is always a requisite for those types of movies.  The kids were dancing around the living room, and singing along with the songs.  Of course, we all agree that the husband, Adam, is just an idiot.  :)

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