Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5, 2011

Outside Temp: 29 F

What I cooked day:
Chicken Soup (with noodles and/or rice):  I needed to use up my chicken stock, since I didn't have any canning jars left, and it's been in the fridge for a few days.  Patrick asked for rice and Connor asked for noodles.  So, I cooked up the chicken stock with onions, carrots and celery for a few hours, added in some sauteed (freezer burned) chicken and simmered for a few more hours.  Then I cooked up some rice and noodles.  To serve, I let everyone pick what they wanted.  Patrick and I had rice, Connor and Katie had noodles and Allen just wanted the soup, without anything else.  Oh well, everyone was happy, so it worked out.

White bread: I broke out my bread maker again.  It's been in the closet for a few weeks, and I wanted some fresh bread, but was too lazy to work hard for it.  So, I decided to make a loaf in the bread maker.  Of course, I couldn't find my 'good' recipe, so I found one in my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook.  I think they underestimated the yeast or something, because it barely rose at all.  It tasted fine, just really, really dense.  It worked out great with the soup!

SNOW!  (Finally...) 
This was what it looked like outside my front door when I woke up this morning.  I think I've been misunderstanding when people talk about snow.  I was thinking 1-2 inches... this was a dusting of about 1/8-1/4 in.  Just enough to cover the road, but not enough to stay... It was all slush then gone by the end of the day.  'They' keep telling me that there will be plenty and I just need to be patient.  After all, it's only the first week of November... I've been told that by December, I'll be sick of it.  But it's so pretty, I can't imagine ever being sick of it! 

We went up to the parent's place and checked the heater and the greenhouse, so we had to take pictures of that.

Although my favorite part was the cows... with snow on their back.  They were looking at me like I was nuts as I leaned out the car window to take their pictures!

We spent some of the day picking up and doing basic house cleaning, which made me the bad guy for most of the day.  And I finally got my (awesome) husband to do a project we have been putting off for a few weeks.

The kitchen sink had a faucet that was at least 100 years old (okay, not really, but I hated the design and I couldn't get a pot under it and it just sucked).  So, I had him put on the new kitchen faucet (which we purchased about 3 weeks ago).  Now, my kitchen sink is much easier to use! 

Old faucet... ugh
New faucet... pretty! 


1 comment:

  1. Oh, so lovely!! So what do those cows do when it is 15 feet of snow? I've often wondered? do they belong to a barn? Love your new faucet.

    Don't let anyone steal your joy of enjoying snow at first. I remember our really snowy cabin, covered in snow from November to April the first year we owned it and nobody told us that we had to plow every snow or we couldn't get to it. I went up there with the girls when they were toddlers, and we had to climb the snowy mountain of our forty stairs that were completely covered in snow and slide down the banister to get to the front door. Our pipes froze that year and cracked and we learned a lot. The next Christmas, we had a white Christmas because we knew what to do. My kids spent seven years sledding down the hill next to our house and the icicles were so fun. After a while you do get sick of it, but there is nothing like it!! I hope you enjoy it!!! I am praying for you all to have a great year and it sounds like the white of the snow is like the things that are happening in your lives! I'm so excited to see the things you are doing!! And, by the way I made chicken soup tonight too, and my dilemma was the same.....rice or noodles? LOLOLOLOL!

    Love to you all! We are enjoying your blog!!!
