Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1, 2011

Outside Temp: 23 F (and falling... chance of more snow tonight)

What I cooked today:
Beef Stew: I love making this one, since it's so easy!  I got some tri-tip on sale about a month ago, and it went right into my FoodSaver and my freezer, so it was really easy to defrost and make into stew.  I know, generally for stew, you would use a 'lower quality' type of meat, but it's what I had, and it worked great!  I actually defrosted it 1/2 way in the microwave, then cut it up into chunks.  I browned the chunks of meat while I cut up the potatoes and carrots and onions and celery (I don't think celery was in the recipe, but it worked fine).  I tossed everything into the crock pot, turned it on and walked away.  When the boys came home from practice, they had hot beef stew for dinner, which made me the most awesome mom in the world... :)

Homemade Rolls:  I've been playing around with the sweet bread recipe from Patrick's mom.  It takes about 2 hours, since you have to let it rise twice, but it's pretty easy.  And everyone seems to like it!  I usually make it into dinner rolls (although I've done cinnamon rolls before) but I wanted to try something new tonight.  I made three batches.  One was regular dinner rolls, one was crescents and one was cloverleaf style.  Allen, Connor and Katie all said they liked the crescent style, although Katie said the cloverleaf was 'pretty'.   I think next time I make the crescents, I should brush them with butter, to make them a little crispier.

We had a little snow today, just enough to warn us about what's coming.  While we were at school (with Ryan), I was pretty cold outside.  We've managed to lose most of the 12 pairs of cheep knit gloves we got from Wal-Mart a month ago, so I was standing outside with no gloves.  It was kind of nippy.  Temp was probably about 30, with enough wind to make it feel like the 20's.  Brrrr. And, of course, Ryan wanted to make another snowman when we got home from school.  He was bummed when I told him there wasn't enough snow...

Connor has been kind of upset about basketball practice, since it's kind of hard to run as much as he's been running.  So, last night, we had a long talk with him about teamwork and positive attitude.  He said he was worried that the team wouldn't like him because he wasn't a very good basketball player. 

I told him about my time on the swim team in high school, when I was one of the worst swimmers.  I'm not sure (looking back) if I was lazy or if I could have tried harder, but everyone else swam laps around me.  But, I was still there, every day (almost), practicing with the team and at every swim meet.  I was right there, at the end of the lane, cheering on my teammates.  By the end of my senior year, while I doubt anyone would have said anything nice about my performance, the team knew that I always had a positive attitude.  My part of the team was not about being the best swimmer, but about always supporting my team.

Today, at school, when I saw him, he seemed more positive and happier.  And when he came home from practice, he said the coach really noticed a change in his behavior.  He was so proud of himself!  And he made a few baskets during practice!  See, a positive attitude really can change everything!

Patrick has come down with a touch of a flu/cold, so he's been stuck in bed all day (except when he talked me into driving to Belt to get him Gatorade and to check on the parent's house).  Hopefully, he'll be better tomorrow, since we have clinic in Great Falls. 

We also had a offer on the house in Temecula, but it was a little low, so we countered and hopefully, will soon be able to get rid of the monthly insurance and utilities and taxes and HOA fees associate with it.  We almost accepted the extremely insulting low ball offer, just to get it off our hands!  We'll see if the buyer counters with something reasonable, and then we can just be done!  Crossing our fingers...

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