Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25, 2011

Outside Temp: Not sure, maybe around 30?

What I cooked today:

So, Ryan decided to spike a temp last night, which meant a trip to the hospital.  Patrick was kind enough to take the first night, so I could stay home and get some rest (and do laundry and dishes... ).  I switched with him this afternoon, so I'll be here for the next few days.

Ryan's fever was gone by 3am (which may have had something to do with the Tylenol and something to do with the antibiotics).  The docs think he may have a mild case of C-diff, which is a gut bug, and his cultures have only come back with Staph, which is usually a contaminant. 

His electrolytes were a little off, which may have contributed to his fever.  It turns out that he may have had a simple flu, which affected his electrolytes.  I can't even imagine him having something as simple as a flu, but that's what it's looking like.  We'll keep looking at cultures, just to keep an eye on it.

I guess Ryan didn't feel like it would be a normal Thanksgiving without a visit to the hospital.  It was really funny last night.  Patrick had to wait in the ER for a full hour and a half (which is about 20 hours less than UCLA), and that was because there were no patients on the pediatric floor and they had to call a nurse in on Thanksgiving to take him.  For most of the day, Ryan was the only patient on the peds floor, although a few other kids showed up later today. 

Allen, Connor and Katie had a great time with the grandparents for Thanksgiving, and even got to go swimming in the hotel pool.  I've been told they behaved themselves, which I'm going to choose to believe.  I'm bummed that I missed seeing all the family, but I'm hoping that things will be stable for Christmas and we'll get to see everyone then.  Grandpa said that they woke up this morning, in Missoula, to a blizzard.  They were concerned that they would have to take off early, to get home safe But they were lucky because after about 30 minutes (and 3 inches of snow), the blizzard ended and they had clear roads the rest of the day.

Hopefully, everything will go well in the next 24 hours, and we can get on with our lives!  Until then, I'm grateful that the food in the cafeteria is pretty good!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl, your mom gave me your blogspot address. I have thought of you and the kids lots so I've especially enjoyed reading all your blogs to know what is happening in the world of the Simpsons as you make their new home in Belt. It seems like you are doing wonderfully well. I can picture the kids running about doing so many fun things in the open air. It sounds all so very healthy and invigorating. I would love to talk with you and the kids. I'll try calling tomorrow. I hope that Ryan and you are able to leave the hospital soon . . .maybe even today. Sending you a big hug! Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Love, Penny
