Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2, 2011

Outside Temp: 45 F (it's downright summer here!)

What I cooked today:
Impossible Taco Pie:  Katie asked for this one last night, so I figured, no problem.  Then, as I'm browning the meat, Allen comes in and groans, "oh, mom, can't we just have tacos, without the 'pie' part?  I hate taco pie".  Oh well, you can't please everyone.  He gets to pick what we have tomorrow night.  Pork Chops with pasta... He really wanted Alfredo, but I figured he needed some protein in there somewhere...

We brought Ryan into Great Falls for his clinic visit.  He got labs first, which includes a poke from a needle.  The lab can't draw off his line, so he has to try to sit still while he get his labs drawn.  We did it two weeks ago, and it was pretty tough.  This time, he was much better!  We had him sitting on my lab, with Patrick holding his feet and a nurse holding his arm while another nurse drew the labs.  As soon as she got the needle in place, we were able to (almost) let him go and he sat very still.  So proud!

For clinic, he gained about a half a pound and his labs were great!  Apparently, we're doing okay up here!  Since we'll have clinic in LA on the 14th, we won't be seeing our team here for a whole month.  Ryan's been eating better and he really likes playing outside, which I NEVER let him do in California... it was too darn hot. 

We're in the process of scheduling his Angel Flight trip down to CA on the 13th of November.  He has a clinic visit with the UCLA team on the 14th and a procedure scheduled for the 15th. 

For those of you who do not know, Angel Flight is an amazing charity organization where pilots and owners of private planes donate the plane, the fuel and their time to fly children with medical conditions to clinic appointments and procedures.  They were so nice when we called them up to see what they needed to schedule a flight.  They even asked which airport we'd rather be picked up at!  (The municipal airport in Stanford is a little closer, and probably easier to get into and out of, but we gave them the option of Great Falls as well).  It will probably be about 3 flights, in about 10-12 hours, so they will stop every 3-4 hours to switch planes or refuel and go to the bathroom, etc.  Patrick will be taking him this time, so I won't be there to say hi to anyone, which is kind of a bummer.  But, it will give him time to talk to his 'work' contacts, which is a good thing.  :)

The kids have parent/teacher conferences tomorrow, so I'm hoping they are doing okay.  It's a little hard for me, not being an active part of what they are learning.  But I'm confident that they have most of the basics (reading, writing and math), and they're enjoying the social part.

Then the boys have a basketball game in Winifred, which is about 2 hours away (one way) on Friday.  I haven't decided if we're all going, or just me or no one.  Ugh, 2 hours?  But then again, what else am I doing with my day, and I think my boys appreciate my being there... Any suggestions?  I'm half tempted to jump on the bus with the boys, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be appreciated by anyone.   :)

We also got another offer on the house today... yea!  The first guy countered our offer with an insulting $5K increase, which is about 20K less than the offer today.  The Realtors said that there were about 4 people looking at the place today, so they warned them that there was already offers on the table.  We'll see, but I'm hoping to be done with the place before the end of the year!

1 comment:

  1. Go to the game the whole family (have you been there yet a explore trip).
    Do Not ride the bus :)
